Best Telecom


  • You can start booking your preferred number from our website from 8:08 PM on 8/8/2021. Our sales team will contact you for the payment and SIM card delivery.
  • To find your number, just type any digit or range on the Search below and click buy if you would like to buy. You can call 1833 for more information.
  • You need to pay 30% of the price to deposit, and must pay within 3 days after our staff had contacted you.
  • This is not-refundable numbers so please read conditions at the bottom clearly before buying.
  • We keep uploading the new numbers every day, please try to find your Best numbers every day until our next notice on this page.
  • We start charging the monthly rental and usage from 1st of October 2021 onwards. Please find more details on Postpaid package page



  • You will be able to get your SIM card around 1/9/2021. Our Customer Service will call you to collect or deliver SIM card to you.
  • The SIM card can be used nationwide as our coverage covered from north to south.
  • The SIM card or phone number is for POSTPAID service only.
  • Our service includes voice call, SMS and up to 4G.